


Whole lotta Love



Strong Enough / progressiv, meditativ
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Marcel Goverde: Bass, (Drumcomputer) / Toby Glaser: Drums / Maja Christina Goverde: Bachingvocals
“Corona-Projekt” produced by Kartschmaroff/Goverde ©2021 / Lyrics and music by Kartschmaroff



20th Century Fox / progressiv, rock
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Marcel Goverde: Bass, Backingvocals / Jürg With: Drums
Live at Stube, Basel 2020 / recorded by Ruth Pompini-Meyer ©2020
cover of 38 Special



The Weather / progressiv, rockfolk
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Marcel Goverde: Bass / Jürg With: Drums / Gabor Kartschmaroff: Hammond, Backingvocals
Live at Beo Bike Week, Thun 2019 / recorded by Ruth Pompini-Meyer ©2019
Lyrics and music by Kartschmaroff



Lost and Found / progressiv, folk, ballade
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Marcel Goverde: Bass / Jürg With: Drums, Keys
Virtual Producing and Recording during Corona Lockdown by Kartschmaroff / Goverde ©2020
Lyrics and music by Kartschmaroff



Inbetween / progressiv, orchestral
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Bernhard Schuler: Bass / Ron Sternlicht: Drums / Gabor Kartschmaroff: Hammond, Whistle, Backingvoc / Charly Preissel: LeadGuitar, Backingvoc / Roger Moser: Acordeon, Backingvoc / Tony Brun: Saxophone, Backingvoc
recorded by Blues Festival Basel ©2015
Lyrics and music by Ivan Kartschmaroff



The Key for Paradise / progressiv, blues
Ivan Kartschmaroff: Leadvocals, Guitars / Bernhard Schuler: Bass / Ron Sternlicht: Drums / Gabor Kartschmaroff: Hammond, Whistle, Backingvoc / Charly Preissel: LeadGuitar, Backingvoc / Roger Moser: Acordeon, Backingvoc / Tony Brun: Saxophone, Backingvoc
recorded by Blues Festival Basel ©2015
Lyrics and music by Ivan Kartschmaroff



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